College, Future Blog Plans, and Why I Didn't Post in Japan. At All.

I’m home!

And I guess I owe a bit of an explanation.

To all my Facebook friends, you might have noticed that, following my first and only blogpost I made while in Japan, I ardently promised to update Folds of Faith at least twice.

 And then a few days went by.

And then a week.

And I kept kicking myself for not posting…I’d tried to think up awesome things to write during the day, making mental notes of all my observations and adventures. Then, I would head back to my bed every night, completely exhausted and ready for a good night of sleep. The thought of even opening my laptop was completely too much. So I’d climb under my (sweaty) blankets and fall asleep to the hum of Japanese crickets and guilty “what’s-wrong-with-me-why-do-I-keep-procrastinating” thoughts. After about a week of this cycle, I’d had enough.

So, ultimately, I made the decision to not post while I was in Japan. At all.

I realized that feeling the obligation to regularly post was impeding my enjoyment. I wasn’t living in the moment; creating memories for myself. I found myself doing things not because I wanted to, or was genuinely interested, but because I thought it would sound cool on my blog.

Anyway, enough of that depressing stuff. Japan was so indescribably amazing. I haven’t enough room in my entire blog to tell of all the culture, sights, places, traditions, people, and wonders I saw while I was there. I hope to, if I can, slowly trickle out more photographs and specific memories in the coming future that I haven’t posted to my Instagram (zoeetc) or my Facebook. I loved so much about Japan. I definitely want to return to the glorious land of Nippon if I can (hmm…more on that in a future blogpost perhaps…).

Now that I’m home in the good ‘ol US of A, I hope to post more regularly (guilt-free, too!). As some of you may know, I will be heading off to Northwest Christian University in Eugene, Oregon in less than two weeks to start my college education. Crazy, right? I can’t believe that I will be moving on my own to a brand new city in a different state. It doesn’t even seem real.  If you had told me what I just told you exactly a year ago, I likely wouldn’t have believed you. But God works in awesome and mysterious ways. I really feel like the choices I have made regarding my post-secondary education are in His will. I don’t why or how I’ve ended up in Eugene at NCU, but I do know that God will reveal His reasons in time. If you are so inclined, keep me in your prayers regarding these next, important steps in my life.

A few final words about Folds of Faith before I bore you to death and you start drooling all over your keyboard or phone screen. Like I said, I’m going to be in college soon. In my first post I mentioned that I’d be continued this blog as a faith and lifestyle blog. I still plan on doing this! I hope you continue to follow me on my college journey as I post about faith, food, fashion, home, current events, and, of course, travel.

Until next time, sayonara!



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About Me

Zoe. Twenty-four. Christian. PNW girl at heart, but following where He leads.
Always-wanderer, old book-collector, and coffee enthusiast.